TNIUT - Screenshots
The following are the screenshots of the software with description below the picture.
![The Server Interface](pics\srvmain.jpg)
This is the main server interface. Please note the configuration, about, minimize to system tray, view log, Help, and close buttons above. In the display tab, computer 1 - 10 is seen. The client computer number 2 and 3 are connected to the server and rest are not connected to the server (as seen by the red and green light). The timer of computer 2 is started.
![The Client Interface](pics\clientmain.jpg)
This the client interface installed in your client computers. In the top, the name of your cybercafe (or whatever you want to be displayed) is written during configuration. The computer number is also assigned durign configuration. The "Work Offline" button and the "Configuration" button is disabled from the server in the above picture of the interface. The computer had gone online so the start time, end time, usage time and charge are still displayed, as they are not yet cleared by the "Clear" button. After stopping the timer, the "Go online" button is active.
![The Log Data Viewer Interface](pics\datmain.jpg)
This is the interface of log data viewer. Please note the data selection frame, the data editor tab and the overall income calculator tab. The name of current data file (Comp7.ntdt) and record numbers selected (highlighted) are seen in the status bar below. The total of charge of the current datas displayed is seen just above the status bar.
![The Log Data Viewer Interface](pics\configcharge.jpg)
This is the Configuration interface of the server. The currently shown tab is the charge configuration tab. Though this interface has so many inputs, you need to type in only those as per your charge rate. In this interface, the minimum charge shown is 1 for 1 minutes (ie there is no minimum charge). Per minute charge is 1, charge for 30 minutes is 25 and for one hour is 50. The software will calculate and display the accurate charge for particular usage time according to your charge configuration.
Other interfaces are not shown currently in this page. If you are interested to have a look, please contact us or download the zipped help file from "Downloads" section. In the help files, you can see all the interfaces and descriptions too.
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